Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Strawberries in the Gutter

 I bought about 6 strawberry plants at my husband's work (they have a retail store) for $1 each last year and planted them in the garden beds.  This year they had multiplied and gotten big and happy, and I needed that space for other things that have greater root needs.  So I transplanted them into the gutter that's strapped to the fence.  I had over 20 strawberry plants.  They're like bunnies!
 Here's the raised bed on the right, with overwintering kale.  There's also ruby chard, thyme, red onions, and a few spinaches.  I've planted a bazillion seeds directly for spring crops that are just starting to germinate.
 The left bed, with overwintering lettuces and more onions, chives, and more kale.  And a bazillion more seeds planted.  In the background you can see some burlap bags covering sown seeds in the in-ground bed to help them germinate, and behind that peas.
This is the my second year trying potatoes in containers.  Last year's giant black plastic planters didn't work so well - I got a meager few taters out of it.  This year I've bought good potting soil, cotton burr compost, and I'm using a burlap bag as the container.  As the potato plants sprout and grow vertically, I'll "hill them up" by filling the bag more with soil or straw.  The sides are rolled down right now to allow sunlight in.

“The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

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