Saturday, June 27, 2015

Rapid Reno - Week 1

In February I gave birth to this sweet chunk o'love (4 months old here), and as is our custom after a child is born, we mostly took a break from renovating the house. Heck, last year was our Year Of Repairs with this home, and we haven't exactly felt eager to throw more money at it. Yet here we are in June, and it is yet again time to whip this place into shape. 
So far in the past two weeks we've removed a few layers of linoleum flooring from the kitchen...
...removed a gas heater from the bathroom...
...started painting the lower kitchen cabinets...
...primed a LOT of trim and prepped the front entry and hall for tile...
...installed new dining room lighting...
...and built a table to go over the laundry  units in the kitchen. The table isn't finished, but I already appreciate the extra counter space by the oven. It's all coming together rather quickly now.

Stay tuned for more progress photos!

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